Fixing Sync Errors with Time Doctor Mobile App

If you are using the Time Doctor mobile app and it does not sync correctly with the Time Doctor server, a message will appear within the app saying Sync failed or Offline now. If you see that message, here is what you should do:

First of all, don't worry. All of the tasks that you track with the mobile app while it is not synced are saved in the app itself. They will be uploaded to the server later when the sync problem is resolved. You will not lose any work time.

If you have already attempted to sync the app and it did not work, try these steps to solve the problem:

  1. Attempt to sync again by opening any folder within the app and dragging the list of tasks down. If the sync error message no longer appears after doing this, then the app has synced correctly. You can find a video on how to do this here.
  2. Sign out of the app and the sign back in. If the error message no longer appears after doing this, then the app has synced correctly.
  3. Check your internet connection. Your mobile device must have a connection to the internet (via WIFI, 3G, 4G, etc.) in order to sync.
  4. Wait one hour and try again. A temporary server error can sometimes happen which will resolve itself automatically without you having to do anything.

Please be aware that when you have the mobile app running, it will often try to sync on its own, even if you do not manually force it to sync. If the Failed to sync message does not appear, then the app has synced successfully.